LED blinds for school transport

Manufacture of the illuminated V10 sign

At INDUSTRI we manufacture all types of customised accessories for school buses, among which are the V10 or school bus sign, for which we have a version with LED lighting.

Blinds fitted with an illuminated V10 sign feature a pictogram with LED lights which flash on and off while the vehicle doors are open. This makes it safer for children when getting on and off the bus.

Available types of LED school transport signals

The V10 illuminated sign is available in different sizes and formats.

Two sizes:

  • 360 x 360 mm
  • 200 x 200 mm

Two formats:

  • Rigid blind
  • Flexible roller blind: comes with a spring-operated mechanism which rolls up the blinds when pressed. This mechanism has a cord for manual use which can be fixed to either the right or the left side of the blind.

All of the blinds and signs come with suction pads to keep them firmly in place so that they can be easily displayed and removed, with no need for tools, as stipulated by law.

LED light sign specifications

The illuminated school transport signs manufactured by INDUSTRI comply with the following characteristics, as demanded by law:

  • The sign lights up automatically when any of the bus doors start opening and before they are completely open.
  • The illuminated sign flashes continuously while the doors are open.
  • The signal switches off when the doors close.
  • The sign comes with a mechanism to indicate when the LED lamp has blown or is not working properly.
  • Functions in temperatures of between +65º and -20ºC.
  • Designed to run on 12 or 24 volt AC, and up to as much as 30 V.
  • The system is protected against potential power surges of up to 60 V, short circuits and changes in input polarity.

When and where to use LED school blinds?

When travelling to and from school, buses must carry identification in the shape of a school sign or blind, in this case the V10 sign, which must be displayed inside the vehicle in such a way that it can be seen from the outside at all times. These signs must always be displayed during the school run/service.

Depending on their size, buses must display at least one sign at the rear and sometimes another at the front, with the following dimensions:

  • Buses with up to 19 seats: no front sign is required and one at the rear must measure 200 mm on all sides.
  • Buses with more than 19 places and up to 10 metres in length: both signs, front and rear, are mandatory; both must measure 200 mm on all sides.
  • Buses of more than 10 metres in length: mandatory front and rear signs, measuring 360 mm on all sides.

What regulations do our LED school blinds meet?

Annex XI of the General Vehicle Regulation, approved by, establishing the construction characteristics and format to be met by vehicle signs. One of these is the V10 sign for school transport which, according to article 5 of on safety conditions when transporting schoolchildren and minors, identifies said vehicles while providing such services. Said article stipulates that the V10 sign can be substituted by another, included in the annex, whose pictogram must be equipped with a lighting mechanism compliant with regulatory specifications.

They must also be approved according to EU regulations no. 118 (Burning behaviour and/or the capacity to repel fuel or lubricant of materials used in the construction of certain categories of motor vehicles) and no. 10 (Electromagnetic compatibility).

Other vehicles for which we manufacture customised parts


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