Legal notice

Legal notice contents

Terms & conditions of use

1. Terms & conditions applicable to the access and use of this website

Access to this website is the users’ exclusive responsibility and implies that they are aware of and accept the legal notices, as well as the terms & conditions of use contained therein. The website is for information purposes only. The products and/or services contained therein are simply for guidance and their use is exclusively intended for communication purposes; under no circumstances can they be considered to constitute a commercial offer. INDUSTRI reserves the right to make, at any time, all changes and alterations it deems advisable and necessary to its website with no need for prior notice.

The user guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all data provided, both when completing the registration forms and at any later date; the user is responsible for communicating any changes in the information provided to reflect their true situation. The user will be responsible for any inaccurate or untruthful information provided.

1.1. Obligation to make correct use of the website and its contents.

The user undertakes to make correct use of the website and the utilities provided in keeping with the law, this legal document, and all instructions and notices issued to them.

The user undertakes to use the website and its contents legitimately and not for purposes which infringe current laws and/or could harm the legitimate rights of INDUSTRI or of any third party, and/or which could cause direct or indirect damage or prejudice.

The user shall therefore abstain from using any of the website contents for purposes or effects which are illegal, forbidden in this legal document, harmful to third-party rights and interests or which may in any way damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent normal use of the website, the computer equipment or any kind of documents or files or contents stored in any computer equipment (hacking) belonging to INDUSTRI, to other users or to any Internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, by way of an example but not exhaustively, the user undertakes not to share, circulate or convey to third parties information, data, contents, messages, graphs, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any material which:

  • Contravenes, underestimates or violates the fundamental rights and public liberties constitutionally recognised, in international treaties and in all other legislation.
  • Induces, incites or promotes illegal, denigratory, slanderous, degrading or violent actions or which, in general, contravene the law, the code of ethics, generally accepted good behaviour or public order.
  • Induces, incites or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts for reasons of sex, race, religion, belief, age or condition.
  • Includes, enables or allows access to products, elements, messages and/or services which are illegal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or which, in general, contravene the code of ethics, generally accepted good behaviour or public order.
  • Are false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or untimely, in such a way that they induce people into error in regard to their purpose or to the intentions or purposes of the communicating party.
  • Are protected by any third-party intellectual or industrial property rights, without the user having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from their owners to proceed with the use they make or intend to make of it.
  • Violate third-party business secrets.
  • Contravene the right of persons to honour, to their personal and family privacy or to their image.
  • In any way damage the credit and reputation of INDUSTRI or third parties.
  • Infringe regulations on the duty to secrecy of correspondence.
  • Constitute, where applicable, illegal, misleading or unfair advertising and, in general, all that constituting unfair competition.
  • Cause, due to their characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.) difficulties in normal functioning of the service.
  • Incorporates viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of INDUSTRI or of third parties or that may damage the electronic documents and files stored in said computer equipment.

Pursuant to the above, the user undertakes to use the contents made available to them on the website, understood to be, as an example but not exhaustively, the texts, photographs, tables, images, icons, technology, software, links and all other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter the “contents”) according to the law, this legal document and other notices, regulations on use and instructions brought to their attention, as well as to the code of ethics, generally accepted good behaviour and public order and, in particular, undertake to abstain from:

  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, providing or in any other way publicly sharing, transforming or changing the contents, unless they have received authorisation from the owner of the corresponding rights or if so doing is legally permitted by the law.
  • Deleting, manipulating or in any way altering the copyright and other details identifying the rights reserved to INDUSTRI or to its owners, their digital footprints or any other technical means established for their recognition. The user shall abstain from obtaining and even from trying to obtain the contents by using means or procedures other than those which, depending on the case, have been made available to them for this purpose or which have been indicated for this purpose on the website where the contents are to be found or, in general, those normally used on the Internet for this purpose provided that they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the website, the services and/or the contents.

1.2. Industrial and intellectual property rights

The user is obliged to respect the industrial property rights of INDUSTRI and INDUSTRI companies and of any other third party. Making use of or being allowed to access the website does not imply any kind of right to the trademarks, commercial names or any other kind of distinguishing feature used therein.

The user can download the website to their terminal provided that doing so is for their private use and not for commercial purposes, meaning that they cannot exploit, reproduce, distribute, change, publicly share, transfer, transform or use the website content for public or commercial purposes.

Likewise, the contents are the intellectual property of INDUSTRI, and no rights of exploitation or any other kind of rights existing now or in the future in regard to said rights can be understood as having been granted to the user by virtue of that stipulated in this legal document beyond that strictly necessary for correct use of the website.

1.3. Duration of the service

INDUSTRI does not guarantee the availability and continuous functioning of the website. When reasonably possible, INDUSTRI will provide prior warning of interruptions in the functioning of the website. Nor does INDUSTRI guarantee that the website can be used to proceed with any specific activity, nor that it is infallible.

Access to the INDUSTRI website has an indefinite duration; however, INDUSTRI reserves the right to suspend access, with no prior warning, to users it believes have failed to observe the website regulations of use and to take the appropriate legal action. Furthermore, INDUSTRI reserves the right to restrict access by the general public to any of the website sections, limiting access to specific users or groups of users by delivering an access password for which they will be responsible.

2. Exclusion of responsibility

INDUSTRI makes great effort to prevent all errors in the website contents; however, it does not guarantee or accept responsibility for potential errors in the website contents.

INDUSTRI refuses all liability for damage of any kind due to:

  • Interruption of the website service or unavailable access.
  • Privacy and safety while using the website and/or unauthorised access by third parties.
  • The potential transmission of elements having a negative affect on computer systems.
  • The accuracy, exhaustive and updated nature of the contents on its website.

3. Legislation and jurisdiction

The user expressly accepts that the service provided is governed by Spanish law and that all disagreements will be settled by the Courts of Bilbao.

Privacy policy

INDUSTRI is the owner of the Internet domain and is the controller of the personal data supplied by users through this website.

INDUSTRI undertakes to guarantee that your personal information is protected and is not improperly used.

In this document we tell you who is responsible for its processing, the reason for processing your personal information, the legal grounds for its processing, with whom we may share your personal information, how we collect it, why we collect it, how we use it and your rights, giving an explanation of the processes made available to you by us in order to protect your privacy.

On providing us with your personal information and using our website, we understood that you have read and understood the terms & conditions of the personal data protection information provided. At INDUSTRI we assume the responsibility of observing current European and Spanish data protection laws and inform you that our objective is to process your data in a legal, faithful and transparent fashion.

Who is responsible for the processing?

According to current regulations, it is the individual or legal body who, alone or together with others, establishes the purposes and means of processing.

INDUSTRI is responsible for processing the personal information belonging to its customers.

When can we collect your personal data?

  • When you contact INDUSTRI using the website contact forms.
  • When you fill in any INDUSTRI form to sign up for any of our distribution lists.
  • When you publish a comment on any of the blog contents.
  • When you interact with any of the applications available on our website (polls, chatbot, etc.).
  • When we sign some kind of services contract.

For what purposes do we collect your personal information?

Purposes covered by the contractual relationship

  • The main reason for collecting your personal information is that we need it to provide our services.
  • Your data will also be used to make statistical analyses and study the profile of those who use our products and services and the characteristics of that use.

Other purposes

  • Your data can also be used to send advertising for other INDUSTRI products and services through all of the available channels (including electronic means), unless you indicate otherwise by means of exercising your rights.
  • If we receive your authorisation to do so, your personal data may be used to send advertising or promotional messages of a general nature or others to match your interests, by means of creating a commercial profile based on the information provided and by means of automated processing, through all of the available channels (including electronic means). Similarly, said information can be used to carry out market studies.

What are the legitimate grounds for processing personal information?

When a user connects to our website or through one of our Apps, to comment on a post for example, send us an email, subscribe or enter a contract with us, they are providing personal information for which INDUSTRI is responsible.

That information may include personal data, such as your IP address, name, physical address, email address, phone number, etc.

On providing that information, you as a user give your consent for your information to be collected, used, managed and stored by INDUSTRI, only as described in this Privacy Policy.

To whom may we communicate your personal information?

The personal information we collect stays in Spain. In certain cases we will contract computing services in the cloud outside the European Economic Area, proceeding to make international data transfers. The third parties with which we share your personal information can manage or transfer your personal information from Spain and the European Union to other countries in which they have facilities. Complying in this case with the requirements established by the Spanish Data Protection Agency and the European Union.

We guarantee that both all transfers of your personal information made by us or by the third parties with which we share your personal information, and the way we manage your personal information meet the legislation applicable to us. In any event, the transfer, storage and management of your personal information by us will always be governed by this Privacy Policy.

In order to be able to provide our services, we share data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions, for the purposes described herein:

How can you exercise your rights?

You have the right of control over the personal information we collect, so that we too can guarantee that it is authentic and accurate.

You have the right to obtain access to your personal information, and to request the rectification of inaccurate data, or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to your particular situation, you can oppose the processing of your data. Your information will no longer be processed for those purposes in regard to which you have expressed your opposition. Similarly, you can exercise the right to limit the processing of your personal information, asking us for its preservation.

You can exercise your rights and will have the right to receive a response within the time limits established by current legislation on data processing and can choose between the following methods:

  • By means of a written and signed request sent to INDUSTRI at Pol. Ugaldeguren nº 1, P4 VIII, Nave 13, 48170 Zamudio. If you have previously provided your address or email address it will be mandatory for you to provide us with them.
  • By sending a request to the email address:

How can you change the way we contact you to inform you about our products and services?

You can change the way we contact you in the following ways:

  • By means of a written and signed request sent to INDUSTRI at Pol. Ugaldeguren nº 1, P4 VIII, Nave 13, 48170 Zamudio. If you have previously provided your address or email address it will be mandatory for you to provide us with them.
  • By sending a request to the email address:

For how long do we store your personal information?

We only keep your personal information for as long as we need it, in order to be able to use it for the purpose it was collected for, and according to the legal basis of its processing in keeping with the applicable law.

We will keep your personal information while a contractual and/or commercial relationship remains in place between us and as long as you do not exercise your right to the deletion, cancellation or to the limited processing of your data.

In these cases we will keep the information duly blocked, making no use of it, for the amount of time required to make or respond to complaints or in the event of some kind of potential judicial, legal or contractual responsibility in regard to their processing, which requires attention and for which its recovery is necessary. Under no circumstances will your data be kept for more than 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship, the mandatory preservation time established by Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

How do we protect your personal information?

We promise to protect your personal information. We use the appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information and your privacy, and we revise said measures periodically. We protect your personal information with a combination of physical and computer or logical security controls, including access controls to restrict and manage the way your personal information and data are processed, administered and managed. We also guarantee that our employees are duly qualified to protect your personal information. Our procedures stipulate that we may possibly ask you to prove your identity before sharing your personal information with you.

The information we collect about your visits on our websites

  • We collect and store limited personal information and anonymous global statistics on all of the users who visit our website, whether because you actively provide us with said information or simply because you browse our website. The information we collect includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device you are using, the browsing program you use, your operating system, the date and time of access, the Internet address of the website through which you made your access and also information about how you use our website.
  • The information we use to know the load time of our website, how it is used, the number of visits to the different sections and the type of information which most attracts visitors. It also helps us to identify if the website is functioning correctly, and if we detect faults or errors in the functioning, to rectify them and improve the performance of our website, in order to be able to offer a better service to all users.

Children’s data

  • This website, the applications and services are not intended for minors.
  • If you are a minor, please don’t try to register as a user of our website, applications or products/services. If we discover that we have erroneously obtained a child’s personal information, we will proceed to delete said information in the shortest possible time.

Social media

  • Social media use is increasingly more frequent and is another way of contacting you.
  • The information we collect through the social media sometimes includes personal information which is available online and for the general public. We always make sure that all of the information we use is correctly attributed to its sources or is anonymous.
  • It is probable that these social media have their own privacy policies which will explain how they use and share your personal information. We advise you to carefully read the privacy policies before using these social networks to ensure that you agree with the way your personal information is collected and shared.

Links to third-party websites

  • In the event of supplying links to websites not operated or controlled by INDUSTRI, you will be duly informed, given that we have no control whatsoever over said websites and that we are not responsible for their content. We have no control over the way third parties collect and use your personal information, nor are we responsible, nor do we make any statements whatsoever about these third-party websites.
  • It is probable that these websites have their own privacy policies which will explain how they use and share your personal information. We advise you to carefully read the privacy policies before using these websites to ensure that you agree with the way your personal information is collected and shared.

Changes to this data protection information

  • We revise and update the data protection information at least once a year or when there are changes in the law or in any of the procedures of processing personal information.


  • If you would like to make any kind of query, comment or concern, or if you would like to make a suggestion as to how we use personal information, you can contact INDUSTRI at its postal address: Pol. Ugaldeguren nº 1 P4 VIII Nave 13 48170 Zamudio, or by email:, or by calling: (+34) 94 454 46 88.


Personalisation and

At INDUSTRI we work hand in hand with our customers, meaning that we can manufacture all kinds of components adapted to their needs.

Innovation and

We have our own R&D Department, enabling us to lead the way in the development of new products.


We are committed to efficiency and constant improvement as the path to sustainability.

PAC NPB Euskadi 2023-2027 Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaularitza mendinet